Cosplay Mania 2019 officially prohibits non exhibitor selling

Cosplay Mania 2019 officially prohibits non-exhibitor selling

So, Cosplay Mania 2019 is fast approaching – by the time this gets posted, it’s like less than a week to go.

Recently, an issue was raised over photographers selling their services outside conventions, which raises a lot of eyebrows inside the cosplay community.

This issue has gotten so big that organizers are reacting to it – yesterday, Cosplay Mania 2019 has prohibited non-exhibitors from selling their products and services inside the event.

Obviously, this drew more attention towards the organizer by the community asking for clarification – which is then gladly answered:

A source close to Cosplay Mania explained further that any cash transaction which will happen inside the ground level of SMX where Cosplay Mania will be held shall be dealt with accordingly.

Regardless if you’re an exhibitor, photographer or a visitor, if you are spotted having a cash transaction inside the event, you will be penalized.

In addition, the source said that all visitors are not allowed to loiter at the mezzanine and second levels of the convention center.

If you have a cash transaction, you may kindly do it outside of the convention center itself.

Do you think implementing these rules will help all event participants (the organizer, the staff, the guests, Cosplayers, photographers) in the long term? Tweet your reaction on Twitter, @JayAgonoy.