Dual Monitors, SketchUp: Desk Diary – November 26, 2020

If you’re in the field of multimedia, programming or simply a multitasker, having only a single monitor is considered a sin – at least for me.

I got used to having two monitors even in the office, which is why it’s hard not to use another monitor to edit. Our office got this small, USB-powered AOC LED monitor of which I believe has been phased out in the country as far as Google tells me.

Sure, the downside of having multiple monitors, depending on the brightness of each, is that blue light thingy that hates our eyes, but this can be adjusted through programs such as Flux or the one built-in with Windows 10. The thing is, only programmers and office clerics can do this – photographers, video editors and those who need to check actual colors have to bear with what they have now.

Nevertheless, another benefit of having multiple monitors is to watch VTubers – especially during Among Us streams.


I believe I’ve said this before but I’m kind of fourteen sick too – to keep the story short, I keep daydreaming of being this bigshot media mogul in Japan who has a business empire equivalent of JOQR or HiBiKi Radio. I kept daydreaming so much that I got my itch to whip up a 3D render on SketchUp Web (free for personal use).

The best thing about SketchUp is that I can borrow resources for fast mockup from others – the challenge in making polygons is that you will need to spend hours on it if you want the best object, something that the built-in 3D warehouse solves. Thank you, guys!

For the record, I spent less than two hours doing this mockup.

While the podcast is still on a break, I started creating videos again for our usual Friday lunchtime vlog. We’ll continue with our Deremoe Archive series, of which you can now watch here as a playlist. I’ll keep posting this series until the end of the year, as committed – I just need to adjust the lineup to feature the more important events when Deremoe was active.

With the redesign of some pages on this site, I look forward to posting more in each selected section: From Going Places, to the Podcast, and more.

Even though I still have lots of work to do, I’m lucky enough that I can slide in a vlog or two by this time. Hoping for your continued support as we passed 300 subscribers on YouTube.

Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash