Desk Diary – August 7, 2022

Long time no see, everyone. If you haven’t caught up with me, I left Anime Corner last July due to differences in editorial direction. I have decided to pursue my interest in VTuber culture on another platform. Starting today, I am now part of Kawa Entertainment, writing content for its new initiative VTuber NewsDrop.

That’s more or less the official statement, and I will not entertain any further questions.

Allow me to use this space to write about my transition, as well as the stuff that happened to me at the sidelines.

We wound up our Weekly VTuber News Round-Up on Anime Corner in just one Discord call with my colleague and recruit Teddy Cambosa. I always give the credit of coining the idea to Teddy, who has the same level of enthusiasm in VTubers as mine. We take turns doing the weeklies, which proved to be a comprehensive rundown of what happened in the community every week. I mostly spend half a day writing the actual round-up, curated from a week’s worth of news items.

I remember writing about Brave Group’s acquisition of VSPO and Palette Project, back-to-back with ANYCOLOR’s IPO day, and that’s my proudest work to date. With my entry at NewsDrop, I am looking forward to reinstating this series soon.

As for Teddy, he’s happy writing anime news and general VTuber content for AC, and I’m happy that he found motivation there.

Following the end of the Round-Up, I took a break to focus on real-life matters: That month, we had four events in the metro, one of which is TOYCON PH 2022 where I am tasked to manage an important part of. Thank God it went well, and I learned a lot from that experience. Last time I staffed for TOYCON (2019), I was a wreck at the end. I shall treat my experience this year as a closure to what happened before.

After two events following TOYCON, I burned myself out, so I didn’t attend this year’s ACX. But I had a commitment I can’t miss, so I hailed a bike ride on what happens to be a rainy night on Saturday (and thank goodness I am given a disposable parka and I brought an extra shirt with me, because I was wet from belt down).

I instead enjoyed a private Anikura session with friends. That’s when I got my first taste of the Uma Musume Zone energy drink, which is delicious. I miss these kinds of sessions.

Did I forgot to mention we twerked to Diamond City Lights? That was a banger.

A week after was CONQuest 2022. Aside from it being my last gig at Anime Corner, I got the opportunity to meet Bao the Whale. Bao and Senz mark the second time an international VTuber reached the Philippines—first was Mirai Akari at CosMania 2019.

I had no idea what to give Bao at that time, so I whipped up Canva and prepared a certificate, which reads:

Thank goodness I am able to print the certificate at the mall beside the event venue.

It was a gesture of appreciation, which I trust in my heart that Bao accepted happily.

After my exit at AC, I spent more time making videos, starting with the recent Otasuke Cosplay Festival JapaNight Party and the Star Guardian Art School vlogs. I also went to AniCon in San Juan last weekend, but I’ll share the edited video once I finish other matters. As I write this diary, I do not want to think about work (work is work and keepsakes. is a hobby), so I’ll touch grass and go to Cafe Teyvat today next week.

As these events were happening, I prepared for NewsDrop, writing short news stories from time to time.

Remember the time Anime Corner opened doors for VTuber news and feature writers? That’s how I got this VTuber named Monty Seelana. His contributions for Anime Corner include the first fan convention for VTubers overseas, OffKai Expo, as well as an interview with indie VTubers Lucastre Mavia, Akumako Rei and Fuwako Yuni (which you can read here).

Fast forward, it was Monty, now a manager at Kawa, who coined the idea of having its news section and inviting me to the fold, leading to the development of NewsDrop. I am coordinating with Kawa in developing this news site, and I look forward to hitting the gas again—this time, I felt I’m much closer to the community.

Look forward to the VTuber stuff I will share on NewsDrop soon.

I’m also interested in Logos, so when my good friend Matthew was building his website Brandihan, I signed up. Our recent posts include SM’s new branding which is now applied to its malls nationwide, as well as GCash’s new app interface. Go check our pieces there if you are also keen on logos and branding.

New Year, Status Quo Me: Desk Diary – January 01, 2022

Happy New Year, everyone!

While I am thankful for passing 2021 alive, I am wondering if things have changed. Sure, we no longer have quarantine levels and instead it’s replaced with alert levels as if a volcano erupts; but nevertheless, it felt like quarantine.

Having lived with the virus around for two years, I felt I grew regressively. My mood swings felt worse, my longing for something went deeper, and I am dumbfounded once again to find my sense of self at the start of the year. Heck, I just checked the fireworks from inside my place. That’s about it.

Speaking from the heart, I felt that 2021 wasn’t over. I’m not yet done in planning ahead. I’m not yet ready for the year coming ahead. Do you feel the same? If yes, let’s have a virtual hug.

We don’t know what’s to come, but the best we can do at the moment is to bond with family.

Work will be back in two days. It’s status quo for me. I felt nothing has changed. It’s still 2020 too.

If there’s a good wind of change that I’ve experienced in 2021, it’s the fact that I got out and met my kind. It should be on YouTube now.

Now, for changes: I will channel more energy into what I do at Anime Corner, and I trust that recent developments will help grow its scope. Therefore, I won’t be doing much here at keepsakes. aside from posting podcasts and sharing memes on Facebook.

Yes, the podcast continues. I just need to muster up to approach the next guest.

That’s it for me, and I hope you find your happiness.

Vaccine Con 2021: Desk Diary – September 24, 2021

Desk Diaries are still here. It’s been a long time since I wrote one.

I am taking a rest from work. I’m also kinda tipsy from the 2nd jab of the Moderna vaccine at Vaccine-con. I will refer to it as such because “Mega Vaccination Area” at SM Megatrade Hall is a mouthful to speak of.

Besides, I missed Megatrade Hall so much – it’s been a home to many, many, many events. For this entry, let me be delirious until I can.

Vaccine Con day 2 is where I got my souvenir – a second dose. Just like most convention at Megatrade, we got in line before the mall opens. We got our tickets, which is the vaccination cards we got from Day 1, our first dose.

Unlike any convention, Vaccine Con is where I will need to entertain myself on our own terms. I’m glad that data connection’s ok, so I kept myself glued to YouTube. After lining up and confirming my profile for almost three hours, I got my second jab.

I’ve been alerted that if I survived the first dose unscathed, the second vaccine dose will knock me out. Just like convention hangover, it did. Joint pains, headache, chills, hunger, etc., just around 12 hours after the jab.

The next day proved to be annoying as I have to be on the ground for a virtual event on Zoom, but I survived it nevertheless.

Today is also the day I went back to that story on Japan Video Topics where kids get hands-on on adulting, just like the concept of KidZania (which by the way is still present in other countries, even if they’re no longer in the Philippines).

The title of the segment is “Children in Charge,” part of Japan Video Topics 2003 Volume 6. This segment is played mostly by TV networks who has spare time to show educational content. It’s no longer in circulation, but I’m placing an unofficial source below:

I watched a video from an unofficial source again, only to realize that I’m familiar with the organization who helped set it up: Junior Achievement.

The project is called “JA Student City,” which in this video is implemented in Shinagawa, a special ward in Tokyo.

I know Junior Achievement because as a professional I was asked to give advice to students of a JA-supported private school in Dagupan. They gave me a mug as a token, which I am using to this day.

To think that they spearheaded this project, I’d love to see this shown again on television. Sure, we can’t do this physically in these days, but soon enough, I’d love to share experiences to younger people.

The Road Ahead: Desk Diary – August 13, 2021

As with every Desk Diary, I’ll start with a thought: I miss travelling so much. Most especially, I miss going to Singapore. My First and Last Journey overseas before this pandemic happened isn’t enough. At all.

This, on top of missing going to physical events – because a lot has happened last weekend. Setting aside the World Cosplay Summit wherein the Philippines successfully bagged its first major award (I’ll talk about it later), I saw events like Otakon in the US and Dokomi in Germany popping on my news feed.

Going back to Singapore, I stumbled upon a live stream of Singapore’s National Day Parade (NDP). The Parade is held annually to celebrate the birth of Singapore as a nation, spinning off from Malaysia. As with anything in this pandemic, it’s toned down. Nevertheless, it is wonderful. I heard a good song playing in the background as I watch. It led me to listen to this year’s NDP Theme Song, “The Road Ahead.”

I’d like everyone to pay attention to the chorus:

See this island, every grain of sand

Hear this anthem, it’s the voices of our friends

Come whatever on the road ahead

We did it before, and we’ll do it again

It rings in my head very well – and with good purpose. The song speaks of a hopeful tone at best, it tugs to the heart. The music video’s visuals strike a perfect balance too. It’s a song that I can recommend to everyone if you want to know more about the little red dot – now let’s learn more about its 64 islands.

I’m adding this to the collection of “Songs I keep playing,” and even if you’re not a Singaporean, I hope you listen to this track too. I have 4 more songs in the album as well, and more to add over time.

That said, this is my first Desk Diary in months. Now, let me get back to sleep watching my travelogue out of nostalgia. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s narcissism, that’s a different thing.

Graduation: Desk Diary – June 28, 2021

Whew, it’s been long since I wrote a desk diary. I’m still coping with the work stress I had, and we’re eventually at the end of the tunnel.

Last month went really bad for me, but this month felt worse. I don’t know – I just went back to calm and suddenly there’s three major graduations.

You must have seen us talk about Kiryu Coco’s Graduation coming up in a few days (and I’ll probably join the rest of the fans in some Discord server as we burn the night away.

I also heard of Suzuhara Lulu’s Graduation which will happen a day before Coco’s.

Let’s not forget that former president Noynoy Aquino also passed away this month, and since he asked people to say anything once he passes, stories from behind the scenes are now popping up. At the end of the day, not anyone will know your story.

On a positive note, we saw Lyrica one year before she went full seiso.

As always, expect me to bring more podcasts (and most likely I’ll shift to podcast production more, so is this a goodby for keepsakes. the blog? Most likely.)

I am almost reaching 100 episodes, and I’m set to bring more conversations as the numbers come close.

One more thing: Coco’s Fansa Cover.

Now let’s cry. ?

(Banner photo from Pexels)