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Ozine Fest 2016–16 April, 2016

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I was thinking of a photo to highlight this post, and I picked this one. The runner-up was this:

Negative comments aside, I was able to enjoy the first day of Ozine Fest 2016 yesterday. Why enjoy, when you have all of these terrible matters out of the blue? Simple: I went there to hang out with friends, and not to write a report about it. Well, I’m considering this as a report, but nah, I’m going to enjoy the day with my friends.

I was chasing for an early bird pass for the FLOW concert but I’ve arrived at 8am and all of those early bird slots have been occupied, so I was really hesitating if I’m going in or not.

It’s 8 in the morning and it’s already hot, so it’s a good choice for SMX to open their Hall 2 on the ground floor as a holding area at 10am.

I was able to get a ticket around 12:30pm. This is what the ticket booth is at 10am…

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…and during my stay there.

Here are some images where you can see Ozine’s General Manager Dennis Uy in action.

Here are some images inside Function Room 5.

Here’s the banner that Filipino FLOW fans have given to the Japanese band:

…and here are the other photos, all of which I took from my phone, and I should’ve brought the camera that I normally use for the blog:

I have a pending post for Ozine that will be published this hopefully by this week or so. For the meantime, good vibes lang.