IMG 0005

Team Starseeker

Let’s take a look at our 2016 delegates to the World Cosplay Summit

Sending this video here for everyone to see — this is a video from Davao, where Team Starseeker won the WCSPH National Finals for 2016 and will represent the country in the World Cosplay Summit in Nagoya, Japan.

I’ve taken a look at the Facebook profiles of the team, and based on their info, both of them are craftsmakers, who own their own respective cosplay craft shops. One of them, Yukari (who also posts under the name “Endlesseight Cosplay”), also served as co-host of the 7th Mindanao Toy Convention of Gaisano Mall Davao (not associated with ToyCon PH).

I’m confident to say that Yukari is the more vocal person in the team. You can see her profile below:

The other half of the team, Gomz, was part of a band called “Insert Coin,” which is active around 2013.