At the moment, I watch intros of news programs being broadcast in Europe, East Asia, the US, so on and so forth, and here’s what I’ve learned so far:
- In Thailand, news programs are sponsored by different companies; and they greet the audience with their polite gesture followed by “sawadee ka/khap,” much like how the Japanese greets the audience with a bow.
- Most of Taiwan’s news programs felt familiar to me — after all, they have their virtual studios (that has been done here in the country as well, the latest being TV5 and SMNI News Channel). My eyes can’t deceive me this time, when it looks virtual, it looks virtual.
- If you ask me, design-wise, I’d watch European news programs than the others. The news programs there (notwithstanding the BBC) have great design — I specifically liked the graphics of the ones being aired in Norway and Germany.
Aside from the ever-important task of delivering the news fast and fair, graphics help in conveying what message the program/s will share. That’s it for me at the moment, see you soon.